By admin on Tuesday, 05 May 2020
Category: Uncategorized

Business Classics: Naked Service

We are excited to present another great business book for your review! Business owners face a variety of fears when it comes to client relationships. These fears can hinder management's ability to trust their customers, leading to a lack of trust from their clients as well. In business, vulnerability and honesty are more powerful than you might think.

Getting Naked by Patrick Lencioni
"What clients want more than anything is to know that we're more interested in helping them than we are in maintaining our revenue source."

Getting Naked is an extraordinary business fable from the New York Times bestselling author Patrick Lencioni. Written in the same dynamic style as his previous bestseller, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Lencioni illustrates the principles of fearlessness to help inspire client loyalty. He provides an in-depth explanation of the theory of vulnerability and presents concrete steps for putting it to work in any organization.

This story explains the importance of showing vulnerability as it pertains to building trust with clients. Some managers tend to believe that showing any sign of weakness is the kiss of death. Lencioni begs to differ. He discusses the three main fears that prevent many managers from developing mutual trusting relationships. These include:

1. Fear of losing client business
2. Fear of being embarrassed
3. Fear of feeling i

The book guides the reader through a series of practical steps to help eliminate these three main fears. Here are a few helpful tips we discovered while reading:

1. Always consult instead of selling.
2. Tell the kind truth.
3. Ask the dumb question. You must understand why.
4. Make everything about the client.
5. Admit your weaknesses and limitations. 

Lencioni points out that the customers who take advantage of your honesty are not worth working with, while those who trust you will be your clients and friends forever.