By admin on Thursday, 06 February 2020
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Business Classics: Books to Better Your Company

Business Builders Marketing is proud to add a recommended best business book section to our newsletter and blog. Our goal is to select books that we believe will have a positive effect on you and your company. These particular books have had a direct impact on our own organization's growth and success, and we are happy to share a few key thoughts with you. 

The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon
"Positive energy is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it gets. The stronger it gets, the more powerful you become. The more you focus on positive energy, the more it becomes the natural state."

The Energy Bus is a short fable that is easy to read and loaded with great common sense takeaways. It reminds us that as a business leader, you are the driver. You must know your direction and fill your seats with positive people. Your enthusiasm will attract passengers, but don't waste time with those who don't want to get on. Make sure that you create a journey that you will enjoy! Here are a few of our thoughts.

Business Builders Marketing's Top 5 Takeaways:
1. It's all about personal responsibility. If it to be, be it up to me!

2. You must have vision and focus. Without a firm direction and desire, we tend to move in circles.

3. Positive energy is the key driver to success and your enthusiasm is what will draw others in.

4. Invite others to join you on your journey. The more who join the better the results.

5. Have fun and enjoy the ride. Life is too short.