By admin on Tuesday, 06 February 2024
Category: Marketing

Consider E-Campaigns For Success

​While we all may think our inboxes are too full, the convenience of messages coming directly to us cannot be denied. A quick tone or vibration tells us there is an update. It's essential to stay connected and informed. Let's face it: email marketing is as relevant as ever. And when done well, it can increase brand awareness, encourage customer loyalty, and drive conversions.

Here are some quick stats:

According to HubSpot, four out of five marketers say they'd rather give up social media than email marketing. We agree as email has proven more valuable in direct client acquisition and communication efforts. It enables us to successfully reach current and new contacts on behalf of our customers. Some clients invest in more extensive lead generation programs; however, this is not essential to get results. In many cases, simple email systems will yield tremendous results and may be a great starting point.

So, why hesitate to e-communicate? Many think that they will be bothering their customers. Some think Mona Lisa must smile just right at the content before approving it. Others focus on who is not opening the emails instead of on who is opening them. The impact of opened emails can be great, even though the percentage may look small. One must look beyond an open rate percentage to the impact to understand the true return on investment.

The truth is that e-campaigns don't have to be expensive, complicated, or even all that frequent to be highly effective. We've found them to be an essential marketing and communications tool that prompts product, service, sales, and success. Contact us today to learn more.​