By on Wednesday, 17 January 2018
Category: Social Media

How Do I Determine If Google Ads Are Right For My Business?

In today's world, it's tough to keep up with the ever-changing trends in marketing and advertising. With all the opportunities that are available, how is it possible to determine what is right for your business?

When searching for ideal opportunities, it's wise to learn more about Google Ads (formerly referred to as Google AdWords). It only makes sense that the world's most popular search engine offers paid options for targeting audiences. Google Ads may not be ideal for every organization; however, they can yield amazing results.

What Are Google Ads?
Have you ever been googling a specific product or service and were curious about how a set of 2-3 results appeared on the top of the page?Have you ever been on your favorite website only to see a visual ad on the top or side of the page? These are Google Ads, and they are placed there strategically. Those that show up in your search are traditional Google Ads. Those found on websites in the Google network are display and video Google Ads. Clicking on any of them will take you directly to a landing page on that company's website (or social media platform).

The company advertising on Google is charged each time that one engages with the Google Ad. This is known as cost per click, where the company pays each time their advertisement is clicked on regardless if a customer takes additional actions (such as calling, contacting, or purchasing anything). Many factors impact the cost per click and budgets can be set based upon your comfort level.

What Are Advantages of Google Ads?

  1. Attract More Customers. Google Ads can help your business grow by bringing more potential customers to your website and offering additional brand awareness.
  2. Advertise Anywhere, Anytime! Google Ad programs are completely customizable. They can help you target the customers you are looking for - wherever they may be!
  3. Flexible and Results-Oriented. With Google Ads, you are only charged when a potential customer engages with your advertisement. You can also turn them off or on, whenever you need to!

Are Google Ads Right for You?
Google Ads are a great tool, but they are not for everyone. Most Google Ads take interested parties to your website, and if your website is not impressive, informative, and action-prompting – your money will not be well spent. If your Google Ads are prompting phone calls, make sure that your phone inquiry handling process is top-notch. Finally, take a moment to review your ideal client/customer/prospect demographics. If you can't identify them (their gender, age range, geographic locations, and interests), it will be tougher to target them. Sometimes preliminary preparation work on internal sales processes, website development, and target marketing analysis is needed before we recommend Google Ad programs.

To ensure optimal results, we often recommend a testing period that utilizes a moderate budget to target the ideal market share. This allows us to gain and establish the correct budget to achieve your company's specific goals. Keyword and competitor research is done during this time as well, so we can focus efforts on exactly how your prospects are searching and what is happening within your market. All clicks and activity can be tracked, and the data you receive can provide profound insight! Testing allows us to provide a solid recommendation for activity and budget, which also offers predicted results.

Business Builders Marketing is Here for You!
Google Ads can be highly successful. And, as many who have tried to run Google Ad programs independently will tell you, they are also very challenging to implement successfully when you lack training and experience. Our digital marketing experts work with a tremendous variety and volume of Google Ads on a daily basis. From keyword research, ad creation, and budget recommendations through testing programs, website development and landing page creation – our team exists to help businesses with this type of digital ad need. Contact us today by phone at 309-827-7977 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for additional information!