By on Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Category: Google Listing

9 Tips for Engaging Executive Video Messages

CEOs across the world are using video as an effective way to communicate with their workforce. Thanks to its instant visual impact, executive video messages are often preferred to a traditional e-news or email approach. While tried and true video tips still hold for this type of communication, even more rules apply to EVMs. Consider the following:

1. Consider employee expectations.
Gone are the days where CEOs are unapproachable. Employees want transparency; they want to know the individuals who are steering the ship. And, they want to know that they share the same company values. Video makes sense to most teams; many even expect it!

2. Anything you say can and will be held against you.
We applaud CEOs who stream live. And, we also advise extreme caution. Messages can be motivating and prompt new levels of engagement; however, they can just as quickly turn into a public relations nightmare. Even a small misspeak can cause misunderstanding and, in turn, a decline in morale. All messages should be strategic and reviewed from the perspective of employees at all levels.

3. Keep it brief.
Unless you're creating your own learning platform, one-way executive communications should be short and powerful. Keep it under 90 seconds and make it count. Communications that are longer than that will work for a webinar or live-streaming needs where viewers can sign up, ask questions, and participate.

4. Show appreciation.
The most affordable and effective employee retention tool is appreciation. Every single message should thank your workforce for something specific. Thank them for work on a new project or for general reasons such as choosing to be a part of your successful team. It matters, always.

5. Use stories.
Colorful anecdotes can be an ideal way to get the point across. And, remember that these don't have to be workplace stories. Seek relatable external examples for ideal impact.

6. Mix it up.
Variety is helpful to capture attention and to keep viewers wondering, "What's on deck for next month?" Remember that your messages can include other individuals.

7. Foster a two-way system.
If you're not ready for live webcasts, consider accepting questions and answering them via video. Realize that when you put yourself out there, you need to be prepared to receive feedback.

8. Perspective is everything.
You may think purchasing that new software was great, but an employee might wish you gave them a raise instead. View messages from an employee's point of view. And, anything presented should come with an explanation of why the employee should care!

9. Can you share it with the world?
If you are embracing internal video communications, make sure that you have a strict written policy stating that all internal messages need to stay internal. But just in case, also make sure that if you're saying it to your team – you'd be okay saying it to the world. Why? Because tech-savvy employees can easily distribute your message worldwide – even on protected platforms.

How to make it happen:
Many successful CEOs start with the very basics – quick capture using an iPhone or laptop camera with no editing and sending via company internal communication channels or private YouTube channels. This approach allows them to gain feedback and determine if the executive video message will be well received within their organization. When one is ready to get serious, mobile video platforms are available. They enable you to produce, distribute, and send video messages more efficiently.

Mobile video platform options are continuing to evolve and impress. The most popular platforms have the ability to record and also showcase what's on your screen. Platforms also enable live streaming and provide tracking data, which can be helpful to verify open rates and gauge effectiveness. Here are a few providers to consider:

Whether you're considering executive video messages, dabbling in videos, or feeling like a film star, it's always wise to gain outside perspective from public relations experts on your content and methods. They may be the only ones who will tell you honestly if your approach is wise.

Business Builders Marketing offers public relations consultation and support, along with full-service video production services. Contact us today for a free consultation.